
Wednesday's Word of the Week: Hiatus Definition: a pause or break in continuity in a sequence or activity. Why I Chose It: Cause I'm BAAACCCKK!!! It's been a year (and not even a over-dramtic figurative year, my last post was literally a year ago!) Uni got hectic, I got super busy! But I graduated! And … Continue reading Hiatus


Wednesday's Word of the Week: Succulent Definition: tender, juicy, and tasty Why I Chose It: I've been studying The Humming-Bird by D.H Lawrence, which involves a lot of reading aloud and every time I read the line "And went whizzing through the slow, vast, succulent stems" I think to myself, succulent is a great word. … Continue reading Succulent


Wednesday's Word of the Week: Darkling Definition: growing dark or characterized by darkness Why I Chose It: While for most of us readers Darkling evokes mental pictures of a very attractive Ben Barnes brooding and taking over the world, its actual meaning is very literal and I thought it would be a good one for … Continue reading Darkling